ARTICLE Frugal Ways To Start A Garden READ NOW

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ARTICLE Frugal Ways To Start A Garden READ NOW

I've definitely got spring fever and can't wait for it to warm up so that I can get my hands in the dirt.

But I know some folks are just starting a garden, and don't want to spend any more than they have to to get that garden of their dreams.

So here are some frugal pointers to start your garden.

1. Join a garden club or a group that swaps seeds
Generally gardeners are a pleasant and giving bunch. We love to share what we have with others. So if you're walking around your neighborhood and you see someone working in their garden, strike up a conversation. 

You might get lucky and end up going home with transplants, seeds, or divided plants!

2. Put together a plant swapping party
Get your friends to bring what they have extras of and trade.  

3. Use what you have
Bought some garlic at the store? Multiply your purchase. Separate the bulbs and plant to get more garlic free.

Onions, scallions, celery and some lettuces can be reproduced. Submerge in water until you get roots. Green onions will be ready to transplant in just 3-4 days!

Here are instructions to "re-grow" food.

Click on the Source link below this photo for instructions.

Herbs that reproduce from cuttings: basils, rosemary, sage, mint, thyme, lemon and lime verbena, bay tree, hyssop and wormwood. 

Maybe you have a friend or family member or neighbor with an established garden who will give you some of these cuttings for your garden. 

Or you could offer to divide his/her plants for a few freebies.

And don't forget seeds. Herb seeds that are easily saved are dill, basil, and rocket. Vegetables yield tomato seeds and pumpkins yield pumpkin seeds.

When it comes to saving seeds, the best ones to save are heirloom and organic. Heirloom means traditional or local seeds that have been grown in a region for a long time. 

Organic seeds are those not chemically treated. 

Note: Many commercial varieties are treated so that you have to keep buying more.

4. Please don't go to the expense of buying chemical products. If you need to deal with weeds, you can always use vinegar or vinegar spray (watch and don't spray on other plants as it may kill them too). 

You can pour boiling water on weeds. I've done this myself. Kind of rewarding to watch those weeds slink to the ground in defeat!

You can smother large areas with layers of newspaper. 

You can sprinkle salt around the perimeter of plants. 

And to keep cats and other varmints out of your garden, stick orange peels near your plants. 

5. Get It Right The First Time

A garden needs 8 hours of full sun per day to establish itself and do its best. 

So choose carefully where you position your garden, or you will be disappointed.

6. Follow Instructions

The seed packet or plant instructions will tell you how much sun or shade your plant needs, and how much water. Follow this wisely. 

It makes sense to plant things together that have similar needs, right? 

7. Companion Planting

Companion planting obviously means what plants do best growing next to other plants.

You can find an in-depth alphabetical guide to companion planting here.

8. How to make the best choices on where to spend your money.

Make a list and follow it.

Don't get carried away and just buy one or two of one type of plant. Trust me, it won't look good all by itself. And if you decide you want more, chances are there aren't any left if you wait very long. 

Give a plant a little physical. Look it over carefully.

Does it look stressed? Is it wilting?

Does it have a lot of roots coming out the bottom of the pot? A few are okay. 

Is the soil completely dried out? Then it's likely the roots are already stressed.

Choose flowers that have buds instead of ones that are already blooming. 

Obviously, buy the healthiest plants you can find. Ask questions. Prepare the soil.

Happy gardening!

Note: The first newsletter comes out this weekend. If you want to receive it, please subscribe to Cozy Little House below. It goes out to all subscribers.

Also, I have changed the time my daily emails go out to 8 a.m. instead of 3 p.m. Some readers said they'd rather receive it in the mornings.

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