This Is Here's How To Get Your Bathroom Ready For Guests! Read Now

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This Is Here's How To Get Your Bathroom Ready For Guests! Read Now

Having guests over can be great but stressful. As much as it’s nice to entertain them at your home, you have to make arrangements for them, so they have an enjoyable visit. You need to decide where they will stay in your home. You may need to move the kids into one bedroom so that your guests can stay in the other one. As well as tidying up the rest of the house in preparation for the visit, you need to focus on getting the bathroom ready. They will need to get ready in there for the day so it should be looking fantastic. Here’re some top ways to make sure it’s looking beautiful.

Put out fresh towels

A lot of guests forget to bring towels with them when they go to stay at someone’s home. Therefore, you should have some fresh towels ready for your guests for use the next morning. Try and put out at least a large towel and hand towel ready for them to use. Make sure you wash any dirty ones that might be laying around so that it looks neat and tidy. If you have an ensuite, why not move your own towels in there.

Clean the toilet

Before you let your guests in your bathroom, you need to make sure the toilet is clean. As you know, there’s nothing worse than using a dirty toilet which hasn’t been cleaned. Therefore, make sure to give it all a good scrub. Don’t forget to clean the rim and many people forget to give the lid a wipe. There could be a large amount of bacteria hiding on there. You may want to use some bleach to make sure that all marks are gone in the toilet.

Replace the products

If you want your bathroom to be ready for guests, you need to make sure all the products are full up and ready to be used. Check that the soap dispensers are full enough to last them the day or two. Also, you may want to replace the toothpaste and shampoo as your guests may forget to bring theirs, so will ask to use yours. You may want to put some room spray out so that they can hide any smells which may occur.

Redecorate the bathroom

Your bathroom needs to look fantastic in time for their arrival. Take a look at the room and decide if you need to decorate before they get there. If you have had the same design for ages, it might be time to mix things up. Why not go out and buy some fresh paint to make it look great or perhaps a new blind will give the room a fresh look. Also, you may want to add more storage in the bathroom so maybe you could think about adding an under the sink storage space. Or you could even add some shelves in the corner which will look perfect. 

Repair anything that's broken

You should consider whether everything is working correctly in the bathroom. You might want to check if the toilet if flushing okay as this is not ideal for when guests are coming over. You should also turn on the shower to make sure it’s working okay, and check if there are any breaks in the bath. Not only is it the right time to repair them because of guests coming, but it’s also necessary because otherwise the problem could get worse. You may feel that the bathroom needs renovating completely. You can contact companies such as Lavare Bathroom Renovations to get your bathroom looking fantastic. You will need to sort this renovation well in advance of your guests coming!

Change the shower curtain

Your guests may decide to have a shower the morning after staying over. Therefore, to get your bathroom ready for guests, why don’t you chance the shower curtain? We often leave the same one up for years, and it can become dirty and scruffy over time. Consider going to the shops and seeing what other ones might look great in your bathroom.

Wipe the floor

We are always walking in and out of the bathroom, meaning the floor can often be covered with bacteria which could be on our feet or shoes. Therefore, you need to make sure to give it a mop (or a hoover depending on your flooring) so that it’s tidy for when your guests come over. Make sure you clean behind the sink as this often ends up getting dirty, and people forget to do it.

Clean the plugs

If guests decide they want to have a bath while staying at your home, they don’t want to go turn on the taps and find hair from the plug joining them in the tub. Make sure you clean the plugs in the bath and the sink. Get rid of any hair which might have got stuck so that it’s perfect for when the guests arrive.

Clean the mirror

Another thing that gets dirty quickly in the bathroom is the mirror. Whether we are touching it with our dirty hands or the steam from the shower leaves marks, it’s time to give it a good wipe. Remember to clean the base as well as this can often get dirty. Try and use a glass cleaner when you are wiping the mirror as you don’t want to end up with further permanent marks!

Put away your stuff

So that your guests feel at home when they stay at yours, you may want to move your stuff out from your bathroom into your room for the night. You may have a spare bathroom or an ensuite which you can use to get ready. Also, you should check what’s in your bathroom cabinet. Unless you want your guests to see all your personal belongings, which you may keep in your bathroom, you should move them into your bedroom.

Remember, make the bathroom look as nice as you would expect if you were visiting someone else’s home.

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